The project design is a green ‘condominium hotel’ through architectural approach, that can not only minimise the impact on the environment but also remain practical, economical and comfortable for use at Raipur, Chhattisgarh. Located centrally between the old city and the new one, to cater the needs of the people of both the cities, as well as the floating population. The project provides a space with the opportunity of a mixed use facility. The design gives the user/consumer an option exploit the luxurious and residential aspect of a hotel at the same time. The goal of this project was to design a cafeteria for the college. The building is to be used by both the faculty and the college students, so the areas have been segregated but interconnected. The cafe is designed as a hangout space for the students to relax. A survey study was done with the students to understand there needs better.
The Building blocks have been arranged in a way to create the overall form of the building, that induces venturi effect, increasing wind flow through the building. The courtyard is shaded and provides areas for recreation and other purposes. The Lobby block has been shifted up a level to provide space for increased airflow while cooling it from the waterbody below the area.