Project Team: Dhwani Gogri, Evgenia Terzi, Hui Li, Karan Pashine, Karina Lopez
Tech Instructor: Benjamin Ennemoser
The project focuses on human-machine interaction and how it can be amplified by regulating the field of view in accordance with the proximity of the user to the objects. To simulate the movement of the geometry in real time, they are mounted on the KUKA robots and by using the live connection, resulting in the creation of intuitive movement path.
Our physical model enhances the morphing of surfaces to curvilinear geometries and its spatial potential. These aspects of the project are enhanced by generative particles through projected content. Further, we mapped real-time interaction with machine vision technologies.
The biological aspect of the project was enhanced through the Augmented Reality with the integration of organic growth
Telepresence through 360 camera allows to not only spectate robots with a program and to simulate the actual design process digitally. Shifting the designing conditions of architecture and the design potential for motion-based design and mobile systems.