Project Team: Yibing Wu, Yifei Peng, Lu Zhang, Yazhen Luo, Karan Pashine, Hongjia He
Tech Instructor: Benjamin Ennemoser, Marta Novak
To develop the system the techniques of slicing and folding were used to create basic modules and then they were aggregated together. The first system uses the flat rectangular slices and aggregates them using a grasshopper script. The second system was aggregated using Kuka robots. The slices were cut using a laser-cutter and hand assembled, also using the machine to create the creases on the paper and then hand-folding them.
In the second stage, the two systems were combined to create a hybrid unified system. The slices were converted into more linear components by using casting silicon with a light fiber inside into flexible hair like components. These were then attached to the paper-folded aggregated module. An Arduino circuit is designed connecting to the bending sensor integrated into the hairs, sensing the change and movement in the hairs. The module hand the hair react on movement by lighting up.